Friday, December 30, 2011

Only 8 pilots are qualified to land on this "terrifying" runway

Click here to go to web page.

Flight over active Hawaii volcano

I have just had some 8 mm movies from the 1970's transfered to DVD.
My wife and I were on vacation on Maui when the volcano erupted.
We rented a two-engine Cessna at the Maui airport in order to fly over the volcano at night.
As we flew to the Big Island of Hawaii, the sun set and when we reached the  volcano it was total darkness. We began circling the volcano and viewing all the lava flows.
The closer we got to the fire crater, the more the plane was tossed around by the heat currents.
We kept getting lower in altitude as we circled starting about 5,000 ft. down to about 2,000 ft.
The pilot kept trying to stay in contact with any other planes in the area,  but there was no visual sighting which kind of shook us up.
In the final circle of the fire crater, the pilot stood the plane over sideways and I was laying on the plane window as I filmed the flames below which were rising to about 500 ft. The pilot could hardly control the plane because of the severe heat currents.
What a fantastic experience!
The next morning the newspaper reported that a sightseeing plane over the volcano had crashed and all aboard were killed. This was undoubtedly the plane which our pilot kept trying to see. All flights over the volcano were immediately stopped, so we were probably the last flight to go.
Lou Hodapp

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Song That Aroused a Nation

"There'll Be Bluebirds Over The White Cliffs of Dover" is a popular World War II song made famous by Vera Lynn with her 1942 recording—one of her best known recordings. Written in 1941, the song was also among the most popular Second World War tunes. It was written before America had joined World War II, to uplift the spirits of the Allies at a time when Nazi Germany had conquered much of Europe's area and was bombing Britain. London and the other major British cities were being bombed practically every night. Imagine having to leave your home every night to go to bombshelters and wait out the bomber's blitz. The shelters themselves were mostly in the basements of the strongest buildings, but many lost their lives while huddled within the shelters. There was much depression and suicide.
The song was written at a time when British and German aircraft had been fighting over the cliffs of Dover in the Battle of Britain - the song's lyrics looked toward a time when the war would be over and peace would rule over the iconic White Cliffs of Dover, Britain's de facto border with the European mainland. The song was sung everywhere among the people of Britain and could be pointed to as seeming to be an uplifting rallying point in the fight against Nazi Germany.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

3118 coins on a single dime

3118 coins on a single dime - 600 quarters, 501 dimes, 313 nickels, 1699 pennies, 5 foreign coins and 7 hours of building at real time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Zeus and Roxanne

This is 11 minutes of the movie "Zeus and Roxanne" with Steve Guttenberg and Kathleen Quinlan made in 1997. This section was taken from the Portuguese version of the film. Enjoy!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The National Anthem - by sibling children

By a group known as "Dave's Highway". Just 3 young siblings (Erika, Delaney, and Zachary) singing the anthem right in their own living room.

The Doorbell

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ambassadors Of Harmony - 2009 International Barbershop Chorus Champions

To my friends, family and especially those with a musical bent. This is the most amazing performance with large vocal group I have ever seen. Be sure to watch to the end-- some amazing stage tricks with such a large group, too.
The choral work is amazingly crisp and words so clear
- which is what barbershop is all about.
The choreography is really great too.
In Anaheim July 4th, 2009, a performance by the Ambassadors of Harmony
from St. Charles (Metropolitan, St. Louis ) Missouri . They scored a 100 out of a
100 for this and probably would have been given more if that was possible.
No chorus had ever scored 100 in the history of Barbershop since 1938.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Catherine Destivelle - expert free-style rock climber

A blast from the past. This pre-YouTube video is of Catherine Destivelle soloing in Mali. Filmed in 1987, High Magazine commented,
"the film of her soloing on a sandstone cliff in the Mali desert is one that has been seen worldwide and the one clear image that has stuck in the minds of the general public in Britain".

This was undoubtedly true at the time, and most climbers of a certain generation will have seen this film before, however now that video is ubiquitous across the internet, it is easy to forget such classics as this.

The film examines the local people, the Dogons of Sanga, for whom climbing is part of their everyday life. Catherine is fascinated by these people, and they admire her daring solo climbs.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Hour In Africa

Watch the elephants knock the fruit out of the tree and all the animals eat it off the ground.

This is a real video from a French documentary about Africa . You may not understand French, but the video is funny. There are trees that grow in Africa which, once a year, produce very juicy fruit that contain a high percentage of alcohol. The tree is known as the "Elephant Tree," because elephants have a fondness for the fruit. Because there is a shortage of water in that area, as soon as the fruits are ripe, animals come there to help relieve themselves of the heat. You will easily know who had over-indulged...on purpose or not!
PS. The tree is the Marula tree. You can buy a great liqueur named "Amarula," which is made with the fruit and cream.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Time Lapse Video: Rapture

Tom Lowe is an amazing photographer who makes devastating, astonishing timelapse videos of the night sky. Once again, he does not disappoint. Here’s your must-see video of the day: Rapture.
Rapture is a paean to the American Southwest, one of my favorite regions on the planet. But the video’s loaded with gorgeous, sensuous astronomical skyscapes as well. Tom takes time exposures long enough to register faint night sky objects, but at the same time uses slow tracking to move the camera. The superposition of the ground and sky motion is simply mesmerizing. The music by Nigel "John" Stanford is incredibly compelling, too.
How many deep-sky objects can you identify in the video? The Andromeda Galaxy makes a brief appearance, and when the hub of the Milky Way slides across the sky, it’s awesome to behold.

Monday, March 7, 2011

FedEx ..... the real ending

You've probably seen the movie Castaway, where Tom Hanks played a FedEx employee who was stranded for years on a remote island, struggled to survive, and struggled to hold onto his sanity by talking to a volleyball he named " Wilson." Do you remember the FedEx box that survived the plane crash -- which Hanks was compelled to deliver after he was rescued? Did you ever wonder what was in that FedEx Box? Well, here is a FedEx commercial that answers the question.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell

I know a lot of you are too young to remember this stuff but watch and see the definition of what being tight with flawless timing is all about.
ELEANOR POWELL was just too good.
FRED ASTAIRE never elected to be paired with her again.
He later said it was not to his benefit, she was just too great, but they were both great.
Frank Sinatra said we will not see the likes of this again.
Eleanor Powell is fully clothed with a dress below her knees, and in high heels,
sadly a bygone era of true beauty, civility and grace.

1. The year:1940 (71 years ago).
2. The narrator is Frank Sinatra.
3. It was filmed in ONE unedited camera shot! Amazing.